Contain finansial freedom

Work at home

Job at home

Whether you are looking for a profitable work at home or if you wish getting income on the internet; yes, after all, you found it!

Enjoy economic freedom

No computer experiences necessary. You may be absolutely new to control our system - you don't need ANY knowledge. This is extremely easy.

You may stay at room and work at your free time. Even whether you don't have pc you can do this task in Online cafe or on Internet cell phone.

How it works?

We design a web-store for you with ready to operate e-commerce products. Your work is extremely simple; you have to submit material regarding your online-store to the Online indexes. We will provide you with pretty simple step-by-step instruction how to do this. The typical instruction requests you to open a online web site and fill in a form with information about your online-store and products.

You will be paid from US $20.00 to US 180.00 for any sale which is comes via your internet-shop.

There is no restriction for your revenue. No matter where you live your payments are 100% assured.

Apply Now...

Apply now to have economic independence. All you need is the simple: sign up now and getpersonal internet business!



sekedar beberapa jenis jenis action figure yang sering di cari anak yang suka berbau cosplay dan yang kreatif membuat hiasan dengan diorama.
harga gundamnya sendi cukup murah, mulai dari 80rb -800rb rupiah, tergantung dari tingkat kelangkaan gundam miniatur atau action figure. Jadi bagi kalian yang suka dengan kesenian dan berhubungan langsung dengan permainan setting diorama...cekidot deh..beberapa contoh action figure ^^


Creator Game Final Fantasy berbagi ilmu di STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta

Takashi Tokita, Game Developer Legendaris pada Game Final Fantasy berkunjung dan berbagi ilmu tentang Industri game di STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta (12/10). Pada acara yang bertajuk Roadshow Square Enix-MIKTI tersebut, Senior Manager Mobile Business Division Square Enix ini berbagi pengalaman terhadap +/- 200 Audience yang terdiri dari mahasiswa dari berbagai kampus di Indonesia, seperti, STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Universitas Satya Wacana Salatiga, dll.

Acara diawali dengan sambutan dari Ketua STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. M. Suyanto, MM. Beliau bercerita tentang laporan UNESCO tentang model-model Perguruan Tinggi di dunia. Amikom sendiri dijadikan contoh sebagai model private entrepreneur dalam laporan tersebut. Selain itu, Prof. Yanto juga memperlihatkan Trailer Film Animasi 3 Dimensi Amikom berjudul The Chronicles of Java